Tuesday 2 October 2012

Remembered my lunch today!

I remembered my lunch today!  Very enjoyable too - turkey & spinach leaves with cucumber and boiled eggs washed down with yogurt.  I only had time for a yogurt this morning for breakfast so made sure I have had a good tea.  Forgot to get anything out last night to defrost for today so managed to quickly defrost a chicken breast.  Combined with a recipe for tikka sauce and dry fried served with a couple of thin galettes and pickles on the side it was almost like a takeaway!  A girl can pretend right?

For tomorrow I've made Turkey timbales (turkey layered with savoury yogurt sauce and baked in a bain marie in the oven).  They look nice but will report after it's been eaten lol.

Need to make sure I get out some more chicken for tomorrow's tea.  Have stuck to the diet religiously and am really pleased with myself.  Have noticed the scales haven't moved for a few days so might have a couple of days off weighing then I'm less likely to get disheartened.

Really busy with uni work and to be honest am not sure when I'm going to get chance to do it all!  Looks like the old 'rota' will be coming back out for housework etc.... will see how long it works!

Off to finish my cuppa and have another early night (you must think I'm about 80 the way I go on but a girl needs her beauty sleep!)


Monday 1 October 2012

Day 8 in the Dukan house...

So tired!  Had a busy day yesterday with an early night followed by an early morning.  First day of placement today so the stress/worry/excitement combined with tiredness made me forget my carefully prepared lunch!  Had it all ready and everything! Stuck to the diet though and bought a packet of chicken breast and some ham washed down with a bottle of water *polishes halo*.

Have had a stinking headache all day though so I'll be having an early night again.  Have cooked my turkey for tomorrow so will finish making lunch tomorrow (P&V day tomorrow so am looking forward to that!)

Had mustard chicken for tea.  Chicken thighs smothered in Dijon mustard and thyme, steam baked in the oven then topped with a mixture of yogurt, oil, salt & pepper - was delicious!  Turkey and red pepper for lunch tomorrow... need to check what's for tea ;-)

Anyway, off for another early night.  Might be able to update better by the end of the week xxx

Sunday 30 September 2012

First day of Cruise... went swimmingly!

Well, my iDukan app told me it was a P&V day today - so I added in some cucumber and tomato (from the allocated veg list) for lunch... Jeez it was good!  Had it with boiled eggs and meatloaf, a strange combination you might think but when you have been up since 5.30am with just a yogurt and galette inside you, anything is good!

Had a busy day at work but found with a small amount of food I was satisfied today which is good.  Was incredibly good and turned down cheesecake at the mother-in-laws and a full sunday roast at my mums. *polishes halo*  Been working since 7am and am absolutely knackered today so this will just be a short entry.  Got my chicken thighs out of the freezer to make mustard chicken tomorrow, have some left over meatloaf for lunch tomorrow and have made some Dukan mayonnaise to go with it (although with less mustard in it!).

First day on my  new placement tomorrow - spending time with the community matron so that should be interesting to find out what they do.  Another early one though (hence the organisation!)  Uniforms are ironed for Sam (aka monster) and mine is all done ready, lunches made, bags packed, books filled in and raring to go!

Will update again tomorrow

Buenos noches x

Saturday 29 September 2012

That's attack over!

I made it!  I have eaten nothing but protein, drunk water and tea only and walked for at least 20 minutes a day!  Will weigh in tomorrow morning but so far am 3.2kg down which for 5 days is fab!  Definitely a boost to bot the mind and body.  

I'm looking slimmer, feeling better and have noticed that some wounds which were refusing to heal are now pretty much healed!  Fantastic.

Had a busy day in the kitchen again.  Have made meatloaf for tomorrow, done Tandoori chicken for tea with sauteed shrimps.  Lunch was scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and poached salmon - usual for breakfast ;-)  Thoroughly enjoyed all of it but will be looking forward to some veggies!  Going to have to be very prepared though to make sure things get defrosted/marinated/cooked in time for the next day... placement, uni, work, washing, cooking, cleaning etc, etc....  You know how it goes!

Thats it for today - short and sweet.  First day of consolidation tomorrow with a 5am rise *yawn*

Friday 28 September 2012

Day 5... Smashing the attack phase!

Sooooo, today was day 5 of 6 for the attack phase in the journey.  It went well.  I didn't succumb at uni nor at tea time for my usual Friday night takeaway.  I have planned my first week in consolidation and written my shopping list so am raring to go!

I'll explain a bit about the next stage now.  From research, initially it was thought that doing 5 pure protein days followed by 5 protein and veg days was the best way to tackle the diet however, it was soon proven that the best way to continue this phase is to alternate Pure Protein days with protein and veg days (using veg from a specific list) - both gave the same weight loss but the 1/1 option was maintained for longer thereby giving the best outcome.... gettit?!  It kinda makes sense when you read the rest of the book (not that I'm plugging it or anything...).

Anyway, first full day back at uni today so spent aaaaaaaages last night preparing for today.  Made luc lac  beef for lunch and prepared Indian chicken for my tea.  The beef was great with extra ginger (rather than the smelly garlic) and went surprisingly well with boiled eggs!  The Indian chicken smelled fantastic and tasted even better.  It's really filling too.  I'm struggling to eat the portions - that reminds me, I have some jelly in the fridge that needs eating...  

Can't remember what is on tomorrows agenda but I do know it involves both chicken and salmon.... bet you can't wait for that report!  Will be able to give the final stats on the 6 day attack phase tomorrow and will see if I have lost what it estimated.... if not, at least I've still lost and already can see the difference.  Thankfully too, others have been really supportive which when trying to make lifestyle and diet changes support is the biggest element in helping - much like when quitting smoking, changing dietry habits is pretty much the same!

Oh well, best get going.  Much to do over the weekend in preparation for next week - and not all of it involves cooking thankfully!

Bonsoir x

Thursday 27 September 2012

Day 4... almost there!

Day 4 and feeling great.  2.5kg lost and quite a few cm's too.  No headaches, no hunger pangs but quite thirsty.  Told my closest friends at uni today about the diet and they were both supportive and interested - thanks girls!

First proper day back at uni today - started well with the first lecture being cancelled!  Fantastic eh!  Not like we need to know what to do in the most important piece of work we'll ever have to do... NOT!  Anyway moan over - I'm sure you want to know what has been going on food wise today.

Breakfast was the same - Activia yoghurt with oatbran galette (both good to keep the guts working!)

Lunch was boiled eggs with Dukan mayonnaise and Luc Lac beef again, I quite like this combination.  I do however need to cut back on the garlic.... I stink but at least I know it will keep the vampires away!

Dinner tonight was boiled beef.  It was AMAZING!  Absolutely delicious.  I didn't use the expensive sirloin as per the recipe just basics frying steak and because it was slowly cooked (about 1.5 hours) it melted.  With the sauce it was great and very very filling.  The thing I'm finding with this diet is that because I'm not hungry, I can't manage all the things on the plan for instance you can have a snack at 10 and 4 but that never happens and likewise, I usually can't fit in desert!

Tonight I have prepared Indian chicken for tea tomorrow night (needs 24 hours to marinate in the fridge), some more Luc Lac beef for lunch (and boiled eggs) but with  much less garlic in.

One good thing - I didn't get up to pee last night!  Full night of unbroken sleep - bliss!  Still need to plan for next week and given it was 9.30pm before I got to sit down tonight, I'm not sure when that will happen!  

Anyway, best go finish up & get ready for tomorrow... see what a new day brings.

Night x

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Day 3.... feel free :-)

Well, the headaches have gone, and so have a few kg's but I stink of garlic!  Got the lovely metallic taste in my mouth (a sign of ketosis) and the hunger pangs (not that I had many) have gone.  I am however sick of getting up in the night to pee!  The joys of getting through 5 pints of water minimum a day!

You know I said I'd made the 'jellied eggs' last night for today.... well, they were gross!  Seriously, I can eat most things but they were just terrible!  I wouldn't even give them to the dog.... Won't be making those again!  The fish in white sauce was ok, tasty but I can't say I'm really a fan of the texture yoghurt goes when its cooked.  Other than that, other things have been the same.  Just about to have a bit of sugar free jelly with sweetened fat free yoghurt.  Have made luc lac beef for lunch tomorrow to go with my boiled eggs and mayonnaise for lunch.  First day at uni on this diet so will see how it goes... hopefully it won't be too bad.

Feeling good about the kitchen though!  Finally looking like a proper room with finished tiles and everything! Just to finish painting and it will be done... can't wait!

Got Indian chicken to look forward to for tea tomorrow - will report on that tomorrow.

That's all for today, not much to report... will have to think of something interesting for tomorrow!