Wednesday 26 September 2012

Day 3.... feel free :-)

Well, the headaches have gone, and so have a few kg's but I stink of garlic!  Got the lovely metallic taste in my mouth (a sign of ketosis) and the hunger pangs (not that I had many) have gone.  I am however sick of getting up in the night to pee!  The joys of getting through 5 pints of water minimum a day!

You know I said I'd made the 'jellied eggs' last night for today.... well, they were gross!  Seriously, I can eat most things but they were just terrible!  I wouldn't even give them to the dog.... Won't be making those again!  The fish in white sauce was ok, tasty but I can't say I'm really a fan of the texture yoghurt goes when its cooked.  Other than that, other things have been the same.  Just about to have a bit of sugar free jelly with sweetened fat free yoghurt.  Have made luc lac beef for lunch tomorrow to go with my boiled eggs and mayonnaise for lunch.  First day at uni on this diet so will see how it goes... hopefully it won't be too bad.

Feeling good about the kitchen though!  Finally looking like a proper room with finished tiles and everything! Just to finish painting and it will be done... can't wait!

Got Indian chicken to look forward to for tea tomorrow - will report on that tomorrow.

That's all for today, not much to report... will have to think of something interesting for tomorrow!

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