Thursday 27 September 2012

Day 4... almost there!

Day 4 and feeling great.  2.5kg lost and quite a few cm's too.  No headaches, no hunger pangs but quite thirsty.  Told my closest friends at uni today about the diet and they were both supportive and interested - thanks girls!

First proper day back at uni today - started well with the first lecture being cancelled!  Fantastic eh!  Not like we need to know what to do in the most important piece of work we'll ever have to do... NOT!  Anyway moan over - I'm sure you want to know what has been going on food wise today.

Breakfast was the same - Activia yoghurt with oatbran galette (both good to keep the guts working!)

Lunch was boiled eggs with Dukan mayonnaise and Luc Lac beef again, I quite like this combination.  I do however need to cut back on the garlic.... I stink but at least I know it will keep the vampires away!

Dinner tonight was boiled beef.  It was AMAZING!  Absolutely delicious.  I didn't use the expensive sirloin as per the recipe just basics frying steak and because it was slowly cooked (about 1.5 hours) it melted.  With the sauce it was great and very very filling.  The thing I'm finding with this diet is that because I'm not hungry, I can't manage all the things on the plan for instance you can have a snack at 10 and 4 but that never happens and likewise, I usually can't fit in desert!

Tonight I have prepared Indian chicken for tea tomorrow night (needs 24 hours to marinate in the fridge), some more Luc Lac beef for lunch (and boiled eggs) but with  much less garlic in.

One good thing - I didn't get up to pee last night!  Full night of unbroken sleep - bliss!  Still need to plan for next week and given it was 9.30pm before I got to sit down tonight, I'm not sure when that will happen!  

Anyway, best go finish up & get ready for tomorrow... see what a new day brings.

Night x

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