Friday 28 September 2012

Day 5... Smashing the attack phase!

Sooooo, today was day 5 of 6 for the attack phase in the journey.  It went well.  I didn't succumb at uni nor at tea time for my usual Friday night takeaway.  I have planned my first week in consolidation and written my shopping list so am raring to go!

I'll explain a bit about the next stage now.  From research, initially it was thought that doing 5 pure protein days followed by 5 protein and veg days was the best way to tackle the diet however, it was soon proven that the best way to continue this phase is to alternate Pure Protein days with protein and veg days (using veg from a specific list) - both gave the same weight loss but the 1/1 option was maintained for longer thereby giving the best outcome.... gettit?!  It kinda makes sense when you read the rest of the book (not that I'm plugging it or anything...).

Anyway, first full day back at uni today so spent aaaaaaaages last night preparing for today.  Made luc lac  beef for lunch and prepared Indian chicken for my tea.  The beef was great with extra ginger (rather than the smelly garlic) and went surprisingly well with boiled eggs!  The Indian chicken smelled fantastic and tasted even better.  It's really filling too.  I'm struggling to eat the portions - that reminds me, I have some jelly in the fridge that needs eating...  

Can't remember what is on tomorrows agenda but I do know it involves both chicken and salmon.... bet you can't wait for that report!  Will be able to give the final stats on the 6 day attack phase tomorrow and will see if I have lost what it estimated.... if not, at least I've still lost and already can see the difference.  Thankfully too, others have been really supportive which when trying to make lifestyle and diet changes support is the biggest element in helping - much like when quitting smoking, changing dietry habits is pretty much the same!

Oh well, best get going.  Much to do over the weekend in preparation for next week - and not all of it involves cooking thankfully!

Bonsoir x

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