Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day 2.... withdrawal galore!

Whoever decided food was a drug they were right!  The headaches today have been horrendous no matter how much water I have drunk.  However, from past experience I know that these headaches are good - a sign the body is cleansing, getting rid of all the bad and entering a mild state of ketosis.

Ketosis = fat burning = weight loss!

For those who don't know, ketosis is the body's way of using fat for energy.  Acetone is a product of ketosis after the body has taken the energy needed from the fat and is basically breathed out or passed in urine.  Bit of biology lesson there.

Now, you'll be wondering what today has brought food wise.  Breakfast was a fat free yogurt with a Dukan galette and a cup of tea.  Doesn't sound much but was very filling.  Lunch was hard boiled eggs and dukan mayonnaise with Luc Lac beef.  This was a gorgeous dish and I can imagine it being even better with some crispy vegetables - stir fry-esque if you like!  Dinner tonight was the same as last night, herb sauteed prawns with tandoori chicken washed down with more water (5 pints so far today) and sugar free jelly.  

All in all a very enjoyable day food wise and I'm enjoying cooking again.  Tonight I have prepared jellied eggs and ham (which are for tea tomorrow) and another dish of jelly (my 6 year old monster found it in the fridge earlier - nothing is sacred!)  In between all this today I managed to get the kitchen tiled too!  Now to get on with mundane tasks such as cleaning the hamster, preparing lunches, ironing uniforms - yawn.  Maybe I'll get to bed before 11pm!


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